Friday, November 27, 2009

Friday, November 27, 2009

Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving!

Late Wednesday afternoon we saw the pulmonologist to go over Fred's CT chest scan. White there has been significant improvement in the scarring of the lungs from the pneumonia and will never be 100% clean the lungs are in good shape. Of major significance is that the lymph nodes in the chest remained the same size. This indicates that the leukemia has NOT started to return and is staying away for now.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Fred and I are back at Mayo Clinic for follow up testing and doctor appointments. Last night Fred did a sleep study at Mayo (so I was blessed with a wonderful night of sleep at the hotel). This morning we say the sleep disorder doctor, Fred has mild sleep apnea and they are putting him on a C-PAP with low oxygen for 6 weeks and we will come back to see if this has helped him with the tiredness. If this doesn't help we will take the next step...whatever that is. Fred just got done having a CT chest scan for his follow-up from his pneumonia. We are waiting now for his 2:30 pm appointment for some breathing tests before we see the pulmonologist at 4:30 pm. It is raining here so might as well spend it at the clinic all day.