Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Fred's blood work today did not go as expected. Here are the numbers:

White blood cell count: 8.1 down from 8.4 on Thursday
Red blood cell count: 2.04 down from 2.16 on Thursday
Hemoglobin: 8.3 down from 8.5 on Thursday
Platelets: 226,000 (same as Thursday)

After consultation with Dr. Solberg at Mayo Clinic it was decided that Fred would need a blood transfusion. We go to the local hemotologist tomorrow morning for an order to go to the local hospital (either Wednesday afternoon or Thursday) to have a blood transfusion.

I will keep you informed on what happens next.

1 comment:

Coralee said...

Sorry your blood isn't getting the job done on it's own. Maybe those red cells just want some company! Ha! Tell that blood to get to work!
