Saturday, October 11, 2008

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Sorry I did not post yesterday, but by the time we got home I was too exhausted to even concentrate.

Fred received his Neulasta injection at 2:30 pm and then we headed home. When we left Jacksonville the sun was shining and we had good weather most of the way (however Friday afternoon drivers was something else). Anyways about an hour from home Fred makes this comment about how good the weather was and within 20 minutes from that I was driving in a downpour and then a sign posted an accident 8 miles ahead. We soon came to a complete stop. Inching bit by bit it took us an hour to go maybe 3 miles. A cement truck was overturned and we have no idea if a car was involved since the cement truck was twisted and on its side who knows what was underneath the mess. So it took us 4 hours to get home.

Fred is doing surprising well. No nausea and feel well. Strange, but good. He is however still driving me crazy. I couldn't wait to get home to have room (not a hotel room) to do things, watch my TV in the other room, etc. I have had enough of the stock market. That is too depressing and there is nothing you can do about it, so watch something funny already!

Now that I have vented I need to clean and do laundry while Fred watches his sports on TV.


Coralee said...

Sorry about the complications on the trip home, BUT you made it safely! Glad to hear Freddie is feeling good. Hope it lasts! Enjoy your room!!

Amanda said...

HAHA that is the best blog you've posted to date, mom! Love the venting. It was very entertaining.