Friday, June 27, 2008

June 27, 2008

Today Fred had another treatment of the fludarabine and cytoxan. So far so good. He doesn't like the tiredness he feels all the time, but that will pass. So far his appetite has been good.

Tomorrow is another treatment of the fludarabine and cytoxan. The doctor has decided not to try the Rituxan until his next visit for chemo.

Please keep the prayers going.


Anonymous said...

You guys know you are im my thoughts and prayers. Here is Carolyn and Gail's address to add to your blog.
Carolyn Bayless (
Gail Stadnick
I also sent you some pictures of Ryan and Garrett to give you a smile.

Jenn said...

Thinking of you guys today and praying that Uncle Freddie's treatment goes well. :):):):):) - Those are 5 smiles (Scott, Jenn, Riley, Shelby & little Miss Avery) from northern Illinois. Take care