Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Fred is feeling better, however he is still a little groggy and tired at times.

We went to our local doctor's office today for his weekly blood work. His white blood cell count is great 5,500; his red blood cell count is low 2.97, but okay; his hemoglobin is 10.3 which is low, but still okay and his platelets were 201,000 which is great.

We will see what next weeks blood work brings. Keeping our fingers crossed for good numbers again.


Amanda said...

Yay, good job dad! See that horrible week of getting meds each month is paying off. Keep up the good work and fight those bad White Blood Cells!

Love ya,

Anonymous said...

Dear Fred,
Just wanted you to know that your in my prayers.
I know that your a fighter and pray that all goes well for you and your family.
Lynne Anderson

Anonymous said...


I check your site every couple of days. Great to hear things are progressing well. You are in my thoughts and prayers daily.

Hang in there buddy!