Friday, September 12, 2008

Friday, September 12, 2008

Sorry I did not post anything yesterday, but it was a long day. We received a call around 11 am from the hospital saying they had the correct blood for Fred. We arrived at the hospital around noon and we did not leave until 9:45 pm.

Fred received the two units of blood which were administered to him very slowly due to his "high risk factor" with the antibodies. His blood pressure, pulse and temperature were taken every 1/2 hour.

Fred felt well today. Dr. Solberg at Mayo Clinic wants us to come Tuesday to have blood work done and for Fred to see the blood specialist. So that will be our next adventure.


Jenn said...

What is his blood type? Sorry the transfusion took so long. Shelby's had a few units, but that was way back when she was 10 weeks old. Thank God for blood donors!

Anonymous said...

Hey Fred

Just wanted you to know I was thinking about you. You are a strong individual and I know you are going to be fine. Keep up the fight and hope to talk to you soon.


Anonymous said...

It was great speaking with you last week Fred, keep the faith you will win.