Thursday, February 12, 2009

Thursday, February 12, 2009

We received further information from Mayo Clinic in regards to the Bone Marrow Aspiration that was performed last week.

Although the majority of the report is written in " Doctor Talk" and a normal person cannot understand, the final diagnosis is written in English.

The final diagnosis states - " Marrow changes consistent with treatment. No residual chronic lymphocytic leukemia identified".

So for now, the Leukemia is gone from the body. however as explained before, it will return, the question that still remains is when.

Next steps for us will be to return to normal living, working, playing, etc. Dr. Solberg said this should not occur until mid March because the body needs time to heal from the trauma it has been through. On April 13th, we'll be back at Mayo for more testing and to start exploring and understanding what lies ahead and the estimated timeline.

Thank you all for your support and prayers.


Carol & Fred


tmc said...

Fred & Carol,

Today's news sounds very encouraging. For all that you have been through, the results say it was worth it.
Wow! What a milestone in your difficult journey.


Tom & Judi

Anonymous said...

Thinking about you both today. xoxo Luanne