Friday, April 17, 2009

Friday, April 17, 2009

I am so tired so please bear with me as I try to write this.

Fred had his bronchoscopy this afternoon, we still do not know the results but he made it through the test. We will not find out some of the results until tomorrow. Some need to culture for 3 days.

He is also neutropenic so those numbers need to come up before he can be discharged.

This evening he started running a temp again. By the time I left the hospital it was 102.4. The nurse said not to plan on maybe getting out tomorrow no matter what the results of his tests are because he has to be temperature free for 24 hours.

That is all I can think of right now. I will keep you posted.


Anonymous said...

Carol, I wish I could be there for you. I know it is hard, but you really have to take care of yourself too. You and Fred continue to be in our thoughts and prayers.

Anonymous said...

Hoping and praying for you guys.Try and get some rest Carol.
Godbless & Take Care
John & Deb

Jenn said...

Oh Auntie Lu, I hate to say it, but I know exactly the tired you feel. Its beyond exhaustion. I always consider us in "survival" mode when Shelby is sick or hospitalized. You just do what you have to do, right? Please know that I am thinking of you guys.

Much Love -

Anonymous said...

I wish you were not so far away. Please let me know if there is anything I can do for you on this end. Love, Luanne