Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

The last two days have been really long. Right now Fred is in Mayo Hospital in Jacksonville. All day yesterday his temperature fluctuated between 101.5 and 104.8. I drove him to Jacksonville this morning cause they had the chest x-ray from Monday here. They admitted him and here are the results so far.

The pneumonia has expanded in his left lung and now into his right. They have him on IV antibiotics and his fever has come down some. He has no appetite at all. They plan on keeping him a few days. They are talking about doing a scope tomorrow into his lungs to see what bacteria they are dealing with. I will let you know as things progress.

Please keep him in your prayers.


Amanda said...

Hope you get better soon, dad! I will come see you after work tomorrow. Feel better!

Love, Memi

Jenn said...

Hang in there! Hopefully soon they'll know exactly what bacteria they're dealing with and get the exact antibiotic to kick this! We love you guys -