Monday, May 18, 2009

Monday, May 18, 2009 part 2

We are home! Fred's blood work was up some, but the number they were looking at was his ANC (absolute neutrophil count) which was 1.3 which is low but not bad considering what he has been through the last month. Normal is 1.7 - 7.0). Here are the results of his blood work today.

white blood cell count: 2.0 (up from last week, but low)
red blood cell count: 3.69 (down .01 from last week, low)
hemoglobin: 12.7 (up from last week, but low)
Hemocrits: 35.4 (low, down .2 from last week)
Platelets: 172,000 (Normal range, way up from last week)

His liver levels were up but that is from all the IV antibiotics he was on in the hospital and the oral antibiotics when we came home.

Since his ANC is above 1.0 they feel that he does not have to be on "house arrest" anymore, but does need to stay away from crowds and sick people and no travel for now. We are to follow up in 1 month.

The pulmonologist was amazed at how well Fred looked compared to when he saw him in the hospital. His CT chest scan (which we saw the CT scan from when he was in the hospital and the CT scan from today) was good. The infection is cleared up but there is some residual scar tissue from the infection which he said is normal. We are to follow up with him in 6 months. Fred also received a pneumonia shot since he is more susceptible to pneumonia now that he has had it and due to his CLL.


Coralee said...

Whew! Glad you are home. Continue to take it easy, Fred. Are you getting rain? Did you have to drive home in it?

Jenn said...

Whoohoo for better news!!! Wow, funny how we're using all the same medical terms. I know EXACTLY what you're talking about w/the ANC! Wow, I haven't actually calculated or asked lately what Shelby's is; I know her WBC is between 1 and 2, so it can't be that great.

Uncle Freddie, don't go out and overdo it now that you've been cut loose. Take care!

Anonymous said...

Hope the both you are doing fine and try and have a safe memorial weekend
Take care & Godbless
John & Debbie