Monday, January 5, 2009

Monday, January 5, 2009

We are at Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville for hopefully Fred's last chemo treatment for a long time. Fred had blood work this morning, here are the results:

Red blood cell count: 3.44 (low, but ok)
White blood cell count: 7.5 (great)
Hemoglobin: 12.6 (low, but ok)
Platelets: 152,000 (good)
Lymphocytes%: 2.5 (low, normal 17.8-41.5)
Neutrophils%: 85.6 (high, normal 44.4-70.9)

The lymphocyte and neutrophil percentage shows that the chemo is working (lowering lymphocytes (bad) and raising neutrophils (good). At least that is how it was explained to us.

Fred had his Rituxan chemo today. He slept through most of it thanks to the 50mg of Benadryl, which is okay since he started at 11:15 am and got done at 4:00 pm.

Tomorrow is the cytoxan and fludarabine cocktail.

Currently Fred is scheduled for his bone marrow biopsy on February 5th and another CT scan on February 6th to see where he stands.

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