Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Fred had his blood work done yesterday. Here are the results:

White blood cell count: 8.4 (normal range)
Red blood cell count: 3.85 (low, but okay)
Hemoglobin: 13.4 (low, but okay)
Platelets: 143,000 (in normal range)
Lymph count: 0.8 (normal range)
Lymph percentage: 9.6 (low, but okay)

Mayo was pleased with the results and chemo is on for next week. Hopefully this will be the last chemo treatment. One day at a time.

Fred has been feeling pretty good.

Fred and I wish everyone a Happy, HEALTHY, New Year.

1 comment:

Jenn said...

Yay for good lab results! Shelby had some done yesterday and her's look good, too! HAPPY NEW YEAR!