Friday, December 12, 2008

Friday, December 12, 2008

Okay here is the scoop: We went to Mayo today, had blood work done and saw Dr. Solberg. Believe it or not, Fred's white blood cell count went from 900 (or .9) yesterday to 2,200 (or 2.2) today.

His red blood cell count was 3.50 (low, but okay)
His platelets were 141,000 (yesterday they were 109,000)
His hemoglobin was 12.7 (low, but okay)
His absolute neutrophils were 6.4 (normal is 1.7-7.0) (Dr. Solberg watches this number very closely also.

We are now home. Dr. Solberg said the combination of the chemotherapy last week and the infection Fred had caused the low white blood cell count. He was pleased that it is going up on its own and did not feel a white blood cell booster injection would be necessary. Of course they are going to coninue to watch Fred's blood work next week very closely.

Fred just has to stay away from people, no stores (which he said he has a good excuse now not to do any Christmas shopping), and continue his antibiotic for another week. Basically stay home and drive me crazier!


Anonymous said...

Great news! Fred, I'll call you Sunday sometime to give Carol a break. Maybe she could go Christmas shopping for you then. :)
Just kidding Carol.
- Neil

Anonymous said...

Fred (or Carol),

I have been reluctant to call Fred at home. Would it be okay to do that? Or does Fred need to be left alone to rest?

Judi and I are praying you get well soon.
