Thursday, January 24, 2013

Day 3 of Round 1 done.  Fred in typical fashion is sleeping, which is good cause otherwise he just babbles.  Blood pressure was good again today after his chemo.  He got the IV taken out today (which has been in since Tuesday) and he is so happy about that. 

We are going to discuss with the doctor about putting in a port since they could not find a good vein in his arm to put the IV and had to put it in his hand, which really hurt having it in for 3 days.

Tomorrow is the injection and we can head home.

So far this week has gone quite well.  He did experience some nausea yesterday afternoon, but thank God for Zofran pills.  One of those and he did not complain anymore.

I have noticed a difference in his behavior post chemo and that is mainly attributed to his not getting the pre-chemo medicine Benadryl.  Benadryl makes him totally loopy.  Let's hope they continue can continue not giving him this.


Anonymous said...

Carol, the last time I was in the hospital they put the iv in my bicep because I was dehydrated and the normal arm locations would not work. Just a suggestion. Always thinking of you guys.


Darlene Srigley said...

Just got caught up on your week. I feel so sorry for both of you having to go through this again. Hopefully the end result will be a good outcome. Always in my thoughts and prayers.