Saturday, January 26, 2013

Sorry I did not post yesterday but it was a busy day.

Fred received his Neulasta injection yesterday.  Neulasta is prescribed to reduce the risk of infection in patients receiving strong chemotherapy that decreases the number of infection fighting white blood cells.

We had the 3 hour drive home and for someone who is feeling nauseous, isn't always fun, but Fred did well.

We are taking his temperature to make sure he does not spike a fever of 100.4, cause that means a call to Mayo.  The highest he has gotten is 100.2, but thankfully his temperature went down.

One of the things I hate the most is the hallucinations Fred gets from the chemotherapy.  He thinks something is always on fire and it takes a lot to calm him and reassure him that everything is all right.

Let us hope things go smoothly and we DO NOT have to go back to Mayo until our next scheduled appointment on February 18th.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

So glad the fever is down. I meant it when I said, "I'll see you in three weeks!" ;) Praying for no setbacks. Love you guys!