Wednesday, August 21, 2013

August 21, 2013

Good news this week. All of the Blood Counts moved in the right direction.
Here are the results:

White Blood Cells  2.2  Still below normal, but improving.
Abs Neutrophils      1.5   At the low end of normal.
Red Blood Cells      3.1   Still below normal, but improving
Hemoglobin            10.5  Still below normal, but improving
Platelets                   72     Still below normal, but improving

So it looks like the weekly Procrit & Neupogen injections are beginning to kick in.

Next Tuesday will be a day at Mayo Clinic for more extensive testing and consultation with the Dr.

Thank you for your well wishes and prayers.



Anonymous said...

Woo Hoo!! Maybe that glass of red wine is in sight and will get those numbers up more. Great news. Sending lots of prayers your way.


Angie Krapf said...

Good job Fred! Keep up the good work!