Tuesday, August 13, 2013


The Blood counts this week are kind of a mixed bag.

The White Blood Cells improved to 1.2 and the Abs Neutrophils improved to .8

The Red Blood Cells dropped to 2.8 and the Hemoglobin dropped to 9.6

The Platelets improved to 60. 

In talking with Mayo, I expressed my concerns with the RBCs and questioned if the Procrit was working. The response was that it takes multiple injections to see improvement. They cannot give me an exact number on how many injections it will take to see improvement, but I would have thought 4 injections over the last month would have been enough to start kicking in.  They did say that without the injections in all probability the numbers would even be lower and that's how it should be looked at.  On a positive note, at least the counts are not near the danger zone of requiring another hospital stay & transfusion.

I guess I'm just looking for the quick fix and a return to some sort of normalcy. I did ask if I started
drinking Red Wine on a regular basis if that would help. They just laughed and never did answer the question. I'll be reviewing the Red Wine subject in 2 weeks when I'm up there for my day of testing.

That's the update for this week. The injections of Procrit and Neupogen will take place on Thursday.

Thank you for your prayers and well wishes.



Anonymous said...

I think some Red Wine is a good idea too! Sending lots of prayers that numbers improve faster.

Jenn said...

I think the red wine is a great idea! Thinking of you LOTS!