Saturday, April 18, 2009

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Evening news:

His pulmonologist doctor came in and said his chest x-ray was the same, which is good because it hasn't gotten worse. He stated Fred's temperature last night is common following his bronchoscopy. As of 7:30 pm tonight he has been fever free all day, finally! If all goes well he maybe sprung tomorrow. We will wait to see how his blood work went.

I am going to bed early, I'm exhausted.


Coralee said...

GOOD. I'm in a motel room tonight with a husband who is not feeling well. It's acting like his allergy reactions, but could be what Jenn has last weekend. Fun.

Make sure your comfortable taking Freddie home before you drive 3 hours. Glad to hear he's not worse. Now let's go for better!



Jenn said...

I agree with my Mom (and that doesn't happen much - ha, ha!). Let's go for BETTER! Lots of love -

Amanda said...

HAHA Jenni your comment made me laugh.

WOOHOO on dad being released. Drive home safely!
